Saturday, August 05, 2006

Love as a choice?

Can you choose you you fall in love with? This is probably one of the most common themes in romance. I mean, look at Romeo and Juliet, if Romeo had a choice, he wouldn't have been stupid enough to put himself in the agony of being in love with the daughter of a rival family and vice versa. The idea of love being something that you can't control, some force in the world beyond anyone's understanding is extremely romantic of course. The whole thing with a kiss being more powerful then lets say, a gunshot. But then of course, you have all the religious people walking around saying that you can choose who you love, therefore if you marry someone who is not in the same religion as you, thats a sin, and if you decide to fall for someone of the same sex, thats a sin. But the thing is, if love really is a choice, why would anyone be stupid enough to choose to torture themselves? Why would we choose to fall for someone that we know will neve return our feelings? Why do we get stupid crushes? Why wouldn't we just give up on love all togther? Might as well end the agony and complications and be free. Yes, we won't get the wonderful feeling of love but in exchange, we won't have to risk suffering. I'm sure there are alot of people out there who will gladly choose to give up love if that was possible. What about all those extremely ambitious people out there who want to succeed and will stop at nothing to accomplish their goals? Surely they wouldn't want to have a soft spot hindering their progress. I mean, even Hitler had a wife. I don't remember too correctly but I think they had a small, private cermony after the Germans surrendered and then commited suicide together. Something like that. I mean, Hitler would probably have chosen not to love if given the choice since bestowing his feelings on someone would give him a weakness that his enemies can use against him. They may kidnap her in exchange for his power, or he may have to use a lot of security to protect her, therefore weakening his own security. Or, she may try to talk him out of his plans, and he might soften in her emotions and give into her demands. But of course, religious people always tend to drag out Lucifer/Satan/The Devil, saying that he's influencing our subconcious. Though I tend to think that it would make more sense for the devil to offer us some sort of anti-love treatment since alot of religion is saying that God is love. So wouldn't it be smarter to do that and drive us away from God instead of making us fall for the wrong (wrong being defined as people disapproved by our religion) people? Religion and logic are two things that seem to continuously drive me crazy. Must stop thinking so much...

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