Monday, July 17, 2006

Emotional Eating

Last night, when I was watching The Sixth Sense on TV, I discovered that I have an emotional eating problem. The movie wasn't about food or eating disorders so I have to explain myself a little bit here. First of all, I was a little bit freaked out when I was watching it about half way through, since it was at night and I was the only one up. I know it isn't a scary movie, but I'm not that great with horror films and the part of the movie where you start seeing it through the little boy's eyes and these dead people were hanging over the doorframe, I just started getting freaked out. So I got some cashews and started eating and watching. For some reason, when I was eating, I didn't feel as freaked out. The music, the mood just didn't seem as creepy. But when I stopped, the movie started creeping me out again.

So as you can see, I discovered that I eat when I'm scared and it makes me feel better.

By the way, I kept on watching the movie even after I stopped eating the cashews and it was a good movie but I found it hard to fall asleep last night since the images of the dead people kept flashing through my mind so I had to listen to my mp3 player for about two hours until I was relaxed enough to fall asleep. I only got about six hours of sleep tonight.


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