Monday, July 10, 2006

The Amusing World of Internet Explorer

Before I say anything else, I'm going to tell you that I'm a total internet addict. I go on whenever I can and stay on as long as I can. There are many reasons for this, one of them is because I like to see what people I don't know have to say about various issues and I like to discuss things with people that I've never met face-to-face before. Whenever I have a question, all I have to do is google and there's the answer. Plus, there's so many free games out there for me to vent my anger out on and of course, there's blogging. But one thing never ceases to amuse (sometimes annoy) me is the false sense of power that people (including myself) sometimes get when they're on the internet. I mean, I guess when you own a website, you pay for the domain registration fee, the hosting fee, and you spend hours doing your layout; you probably do deserve to make decisions to ban certain people from your site or write long posts with hundreds of swear words about people you dislike. But your power is limited to your site. What people do at other sites is none of your business. I mean, its the internet, you have the freedom of speech. Just because you're in a PMS state of mind doesn't mean you can go around blocking everyone for something they said at another site that you have no authority over. We go online to relax and have fun, not to watch our mouths and hide our opinions. Its not like you're the government or anything and even the government (at least where I live) doesn't go around censoring the media (including the internet). Now if the government can't tell me what I can or can not say, what authority do you people, who hide behind the safety of a computer screen and a username, have over me?

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