Sunday, July 16, 2006


I finally found out what an epidemiologist is. Apparently, its someone that researches on health risks and how to prevent them and investigates the roots of epidemics. It sounds like an extremely stressful and scienceish job that I'm not that interested in. I don't really know why, its not that I suck really bad at science or I really hate the subject but to me, science always seems cold, icy, I like history better. I like learning about how people used to live and how society evolved from prehistoric times to our modern society. Its just the type of thing that interests me more. Yet, my top choice after answering over a hundred questions is a science based career....

Anyways, I've listed below all the careers I have ever considered taking from the time in kindergarten up until present day:

Author- I've always loved reading and I like to write. It seems nice to be able to get paid just to write stories and I want to see a book written by me sitting on my bookshelf. Ahhh that would be nice, but there aren't many authors out there that can support themselves by writing full time. No matter what career I decide to pursue, I think I will always write and try to get a book published.

Journalist- I like to know what's happening. I read the newspaper every morning when I ride the bus to school. It would be cool to know what's happening first before anyone else does. Plus, I would get to write for a living, which is good, even if its non-fiction. On the other hand, there is alot of competition in the field and if I freelance, my income would be really unstable and thats not the type of lifestyle I really want.

Columnist- I like to blog and express my opinions, it would be nice to get paid to have my opinions published in a newspaper. I mean, how cool is that? But I would probably need to have been a journalist for many years before I can be a columnist.

Critic- I like the idea of getting free books or free movies or free food and getting paid to comment on them, I do that without getting paid anyways. But if I were to work as a critic, I would have to suffer through horrible books/movies/food no matter how unappealing they look to me because it would be my job. Also, I would need experience in journalism before becoming a critic.

Lawyer- I like to debate and I do have a bit of talent when it comes to arguing, debating for a living does sound very appealing but I know there's alot more to being a laywer than arguing. Its a lot of studying, seven years of post secondary education. I'm going to be spending four years in university getting a political science degree, then three years in law school, then apprentincing for a lawyer for a year after that. Its going to cost alot of money so I'm not sure if I can afford it. Plus, since I want to debate, it would probably make more sense to become a barrister and I would have to sit a Bar exam for that, which I think means more studying. I don't want to become a solictor since that's more paperwork. But lawyers do make a lot of money, which is definitely a plus.

Director- After watching so many 'director's commentaries' while watching DVDs, I like the idea of being able to put my vision of a story on the big screen. But its difficult being a director and its one of those jobs where you don't always get the opportunnity to work and income is unstable, plus I would have to go to some arts college and get a degree in filming first. And I would have to work on the set as a director's assistant or something first. It would take many years before I actually get the chance to direct my own film.

Actress- I take Drama in school and I've always loved being on stage. If I do decide to act in plays, it will be another one of those unstable income jobs because I would only get paid if someone offered me a part in a play. My drama teacher told me that she became a teacher because she couldn't support her family by being an actress. If I do decide to act in movies, it will be difficult because I don't exactly have the right look. I'm not caucasion, blonde, Hollywood-skinny, or with big boobs. Plus, I don't think I would act that well when cameras are pressed in my face and bright lights are shining everywhere. Its a different atmosphere from acting on stage. If I do make it big, I don't think I would be able to handle the paparzzi constantly invading my privacy.

Singer- I like to sing, unfortunately, I can't carry a tune if the existance of the universe depended on it.

Artist- This was from a time period when I was little where I was still refusing to accept the fact that I can't draw and no matter how hard I try, I won't be able to draw like my female classmates. I accept this weakness now and no longer pretend to enjoy drawing, therefore I no longer want to be an artist.

Teacher- This was from when I was little, it seemed like a really nice career to be able to influence the minds of young people, but now that I'm volunteering and worked with a fair share of difficult kids, I don't want to be a teacher and be surrounded by thirty of them in a classroom with me as the only person there to handle them.

Dancer- This came from watching latin dancers with the pretty female dancers with great bodies and pretty dresses dancing with the hot male dancers with sexy bodies. As much as I wish to be the pretty female dancers, I can't even square dance in PE and every Christmas, I always mess up on 'Jingle Bell Rock' and by the time I learn the steps, Christmas is over. So my dreams as a Dancer are dashed.

Public Relations Rep- I can be quite persuasive when I want to be so advertising seems like a good career for me, plus I can throw parties and have fun. But I know there's alot more than that to being a PR and its a lot of working overtime to prepare for events. I'm not sure if I want to be under that kind of stress all the time.

Model- I like the idea of walking down the runway wearing beautiful clothes all the time and being admired, but I don't want a career where my success is based on my looks instead of my abilities. Also, I'm not tall enough and I practically have non-existant curves.

Makeup Artist- I like the idea of making people look beautiful, also I always have fun whenever I put on makeup for fun. But I'm not that great at art and putting on makeup is like painting a picture, so I doubt I'd be good at putting makeup on people.

Psychologist- I do this for fun sometimes, which is analysing my emotions when I can't sleep and I reflect back on my day and think why I did certain things. Also, I use this on people when I'm trying to win arguments, I try to see how they think and use it against them. I would be a psychologist but I know I'd panic if I was faced with a suicidal or mentally unstable person.

Politician- My friends always tell me that I'd make a great politician since I'm good at debating and public speaking, but I don't like the idea of having the public decide whether or not to give me a job based on my private life. (scandals affect politicians, think Bill Clinton and the whole 'intercourse definition thing). But I do like the idea of me being the second female prime minister in the history of Canada.

DJ- By DJ, I mean a radio talk show host, not a disc jockey. I like to talk and express my opinions, it seems like a good idea to be able to get paid and do it. But beginner DJs get really crappy shifts at four am and I don't think I'll be able to talk as well when I'm half asleep.

Librarian- I like to read, why not get paid to hang out in a library? But it seems like a not every interesting job to be stuck in the same building all the time. On the other hand, you get paid pretty well to be a librarian.

Hairstylist- I like the idea of making someone beautiful, but I always find it slightly disgusting to touch people's hair if its dirty.

Accountant- I make budgets for myself all the time and I actually find it kind of fun, but you need to study alot of math to be an accountant and I don't really like math.

Okay, that's all I can think of at the moment, I know there's more so I'll post more when I can remember them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The further one is from their true path, the more blurry and distorted their decision making capabilities. Find out who you are and be your awesome and wonderful self to the best of your ability and put out as much good energy as you can. Free will is the choice each has every moment to decide either to be their awesome and wonderful self or their fragile bag of shit self.
Learn about balance, control and energy, learning and growing, gathering consciousness, and you will be better at being your awesome and wonderful self.
My sincerest best thoughts and good energy for health, happiness and harmony to you and yours.
Sapere aude!
Rob @
I was asked to post here by someone who cares. :-)