Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Movie Truths

For all you boys out there, this post is directed to you.

Last night, I was watching Deuce Biggilo: Male Giggilo (sp?) which was supposed to be a comedy but really wasn't that funny. However, there was a part that I felt made a very good point. In the story, Deuce cleans aquariums for a living and a fish in a Giggilo's (a male prostitute, or according to Deuce, a 'man whore') house was sick and he needed to go to Europe for three weeks, so Deuce ends up watching his house and babysitting his fish for him and breaks his six thousand dollar fish tank in the process. So Deuce becomes a Giggilo to earn money and buy a new fish tank. Throughout his career, he doesn't sleep with a single woman (besides the one he fell in love with) but he still earns enough moeny to buy the fish tank. The women didn't actually pay him money to have sex with them, they continued paying him just for dates because he made them feel good about themselves. I think this is with pretty much every female. We like to feel good about ourselves. We like to feel beautiful, intelligent, and loved. You don't have to have a six-pack or be super tall. You just have to pay attention to us and actually do things that make us feel special and in return, we'll love you for who you are.

1 comment:

Learn Poker Odds said...

The matchless phrase, is pleasant to me :)