Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Just For Laughs

After all those depressing posts, I've decided to cheer up a bit and post some funny things I've discovered. By the way, I didn't make any of these up, I'm just posting them.

Joan Rivers: (at the red carpet) I haven't seen so many breasts in one place since Kentucky Fried Chicken!

The Simpsons
Bart: Fine, lets climb down, but don't touch my hand, you're gay.
Todd: What does gay mean?
Bart: Uh...It means that you used to be scared but you're not scared anymore.
Todd: Daddy, daddy! Look! I'm gay! I'm gay! Mrs. Simpson made me gay!

How to tell your parents about your report card

Dear Mom,

I'm really sorry that you're reading this right now and I have to tell you that I ran away from home. I'm with my boyfriend, Rob, who is absolutely gorgeous and covered from head to toe with tatoos and body piercings. I'm pregnant with his child, but don't worry about me! Rob's got a trailer in the outskirts of the city and we're living there together. We have some great neighbours who supply us with all the heroin and ecstasy we want. We're also praying to God for a cure for AIDS, Rob's a good guy, he deserves it. Someday, I'll come back to visit you so you can get to now your grandkids.


P.S. By the way, I didn't run away from home, I'm at my friend's house right now. This letter is just a way to tell you that there are worst things in the world than the report card in my desk drawer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha! that was funny! oh, and for the hpff thing, how do you make your banners. i have one story with a banner that i didn't make. lol. i'm GINNYPOTTER18.