Saturday, October 21, 2006

A Not Very Exciting Existance

Do you ever get that feeling that you really have no life? At times when this person's on a date, the others have their one million and one extra curriculars and you're sitting at home with a Math textbook in front of you trying to study your ass off and convince yourself that you do in fact have a life: a math nerd existance. Except of course, you're actually borderlining failing because you just don't understand math and you don't even like the stupid subject except its one of those basic subjects that everyone has to take to get into a somewhat decent college. To top that, your love life sucks. All the guys that you have a non-platonic relationship with turn out to be jerks. And of course, your friend decides to babble on about her boyfriend 24/7 and whatever comes out of her mouth is about said boyfriend and how wonderful and sweet he is and you feel that if she says his goddamned name one more time, you'll let out an inhuman scream and bash someone's head against the wall. Apparently, she doesn't care how miserable you feel about your recent...heartbreak or she lacks the sensitivity to care. And finally, your latest fanfiction chapter gets 6 reviews. The chapter is 6700+ words long and you spent about three long weeks on it since you're so overloaded with homework.


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