Monday, September 11, 2006


Today's the five year anniversary of the terrorist attack. I remember on that day, I was starting level six swimming lessons. I heard that something big happened somewhere in the U.S., but I wasn't really sure what. So after school, I went as usual to the pool and I took a short cut through the shopping mall. Now, there were a whole bunch of stores that were closed because the owner lost friends or relatives in the attack. I didn't even know what happened until I saw on the news that night when every single television station devoted the entire news hour or had some sort of special broadcast that replayed the footage of the planes crashing into the twin towers. You see the big cloud of dust swallowing up people as they run frantically away away from the falling towers on the street. The chaos, screaming, and death. I mean, planes crashing into towers are the thing of movies. On the big screen, we admire the team of special effects people that made the fire, the explosion, the noise so real. When things like this happen, you just think that its not real. But an even worse fate for being killed in the attatck are the people that are left behind. The wives, husbands, childrens, friends of the victims. When the planes crashed into the towers, it left a hole in their hearts and lives that will never be filled. Also, the people living in Afganastan and Iraq. I'm not a specialist on Middle East affairs, but I don't know whether their lives have changed for better or worse after the US invasion. You always hear about suicide bombers, roadside bombing, how many civilians were caught in a crossfire and were killed. I wonder if there will ever be a day where all the events of 9/11 are settled and the dead can truly rest in peace.

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